March 31, 2025

Past Appearances



Featured poet, along with Dana Wildsmith, at
WordStream, Knoxville, TN


Reading and reception for SUGAR FIX
hosted by MTSU Write

Featured poet and SUGAR FIX party, Poetry in the Boro

Two book talks with private book clubs

Reading and talk with Murfreesboro Woman’s Club


A featured poet, Southern Festival of Books

A featured poet at
Ancestree: An Evening of Spoken Word
21C Museum Hotel, Nashville

Reception and discussion on the exhibit
“Revisiting the Other Side,”
collaborative work by Jessica Goings Nelson, Ginny Togrye, and Kory Wells
at Bradley Academy Museum

Reading/performance and talk for
MTSU English Department’s “In Process” series
with Kelsey Wells
More info on the In Process blog and the MTSU Writing Events page


Greenway Arts Festival
on behalf of Murfreesboro Arts Laureates
with Poetry in the Boro, Bloom Stage and Under 1 Roof

Reader at
Under 1 Roof, Murfreesboro

Reader at Rockvale Writers Colony
Birthday Fundraiser Open House Party

Poetry in the Boro
with featured poets
Fred Arroyo and Barbara E. Young


Murfreesboro Arts Laureates Exhibit and Reception
“Finish the Story”
in the Rotunda of Murfreesboro City Hall

Poetry in the Boro
with featured poets Lana Austin and Donovan McAbee

The Bloom Stage “Dog Days”
multigenre storytelling show


Staging the Page: Cultivating Your Poetic Voice
A workshop with Jamie Stevens and Kory Wells
Murfreesboro Little Theatre


Helped produce
“Cornbread and Casseroles: Stories of Comfort Food and Mamas”
a multigenre show with storytelling,
poetry, music and art


Appeared on J-Mar’s Transmission radio show, WXNA-FM
with Nashville Youth Poet Laureate Mumina Ali
and Nashville Free Poetry Library/Nashville Poetry Festival
organizer Matt Johnstone

One of the featured poets at the
Nashville Independent Poetry Festival

Conducted workshop
“What I Mean When I Say Poetry”
for Vol State English Department Faculty Retreat


Volunteer and panel moderator,
SE-YA Book Festival
(Fangirl alert: I got to meet Greg Howard,
Tiffany D. Jackson, and David Barclay Moore,
and helped in Allan Wolf’s poetry workshop.)

Poetry in the Boro
with featured poet Navita Gunter
and a segment of Actors Reading Poetry

Helped coordinate
Poet’s Corner at Scarritt-Bennett honors Michael E. Williams

Led a poetry workshop/faculty retreat
for English department of Volunteer State Community College


Featured poet for Defibrillator:
An evening of storytelling, music, and more

Poetry in the Boro
with featured poets Matthew Johnstone and Mike James


Poetry in the Boro
with featured spoken word artist Frank Frizzy Sykes



Seasonal poetry and caroling at the Boro Art Crawl.
Poets Nick Bush, Gregory Lannom, DeAnna Osborne, and Kory.

Co-hosted a special Solstice Eve edition of Poetry in the Boro
with featured poet Andrew McFadyen-Ketchum

Spoke to the Murfreesboro Noon Rotary Club
about poetry and local arts movement


 Co-hosted Poetry in the Boro
with featured poets Carlina Duan and Sarah McCartt-Jackson

Was among the poets reading at Barnes & Noble
for the Riverdale Book Fair from 3-8 pm. See this blog post for more info.


Organized and contributed to poetry readings
for the HeART of Tennessee celebration at the Boro Art Crawl

A Ghostly Gathering:
A Weaving of Storytelling, Music and Poetry
featuring Kara Kemp, Bryanna Licciardi, Tara Syester & Kory Wells
donations benefit Murfreesboro Little Theatre & Poetry in the Boro
more info


Co-hosted Poetry in the Boro with Gregory Lannom;
featured poets Gary McDowell and Catherine Moore.


Presented new and formerly published work at the
inaugural Arts Laureates Exhibit
The Other Side: Contrasts in Our Community
Photography by Jessica Nelson
Painting by Ginny Togrye
Poetry by Kory Wells
Murfreesboro City Hall Rotunda, June 26 – August 3

Co-hosted Poetry in the Boro with Nick Bush and Gregory Lannom;
featured poet Dana Malone and a special program called
“In Other Voices: A Collaboration of Poets and Actors”
at Murfreesboro Little Theatre


Co-hosted Poetry in the Boro with Gregory Lannom;
featured poet Joshua Moore and storyteller Mark Lamb.

Conducted a workshop for youth,
“Writing and Performing Your Personal Monologue”
with Mark Lamb.

Was a featured storyteller for Come Together Now,
a performance of the annual United We Style event
to benefit United Way. A musical homage to the Beatles
blended with community stories and hair salon high styles!

Participated in my first photo exhibition for Focus on the Boro


Talked poetry and arts with the Murfreesboro Kiwanis Club

Co-hosted Poetry in the Boro with Nick Bush;
featured poets Chance Chambers and Lisa Dordal


April is National Poetry Month!

I helped people of all ages write “Tennessee tanka”
at events throughout the month at

the Murfreesboro Barnes & Noble

the Boro Art Crawl, where we also had short readings throughout the evening,

and at the Discovery Center on Laureates Day.

I was honored to have a poem included in an exhibit of paintings
by Anne Carothers at the Arts Center of Cannon County.
My poem, “In fullness, all creation” is an ekphrastic response to her work.


Talked poetry with 1st graders at McFadden School of Excellence

Co-hosted Poetry in the Boro with Nick Bush;
featured readers Sandy Coomer and Michael Williams


Co-hosted Poetry in the Boro with Nick Bush;
featured poets TJ Jarrett and Kerri French

Organized and contributed to reading by poets
at America the Beautiful photography exhibit
featuring work by Amber Vongsamphanh


Conducted a Saturday workshop for MTSU Write:
The Jewel of the Scab: Mining Contrasts for Effective Poems

Co-hosted Poetry in the Boro with Nick Bush;
featured poets Erin Elizabeth Smith and Sophia Stid



Hosted Poetry in the Boro;
featured poets Stephanie McCarley Dugger and Nathan Spoon


Co-hosted Poetry in the Boro with Nick Bush;
featured readers Jeff Hardin and Bryanna Licciardi


One of the featured poets at Banned Together: A Censorship Cabaret
at Murfreesboro Little Theatre (a Banned Books Week celebration)

Hosted Poetry in the Boro;
featured poets Leslie LaChance and Mike Pierce


Brief poet laureate reading and comments
at Pirates of Penzance, Murfreesboro Center for the Arts

Hosted Poetry in the Boro’s first birthday at the Boro Art Crawl

Poetry presentation to Murfreesboro chapter of PEO International


Inaugurated at City Council meeting as the first poet laureate of Murfreesboro.

Hosted Poetry in the Boro;
featured poets Christina Stoddard and Jamal Jazz Ukwu


Hosted Poetry in the Boro;
featured poets Nick Bush and Michelle Hendrixson Miller


Hosted Poetry in the Boro;
featured readers Destiny Birdsong and Allison Boyd Justus


Hosted a special edition of Poetry in the Boro at the Boro Art Crawl.
Over a dozen local poets read!

Led a session on “your online presence as a writer” for the 2017 Tennessee Mountain Writers conference


Hosted Poetry in the Boro;

featured poets Christopher Williams and June Hall McCash


Hosted Poetry in the Boro;
featured poets J.L. Trent and Matthew Leavitt Brown


Was a featured poet, along with Joseph Powell, at Poetry in the Boro



Hosted Poetry in the Boro;
featured poets Walker Bass, Kerri French, and Ciona Rouse


Hosted Poetry in the Boro;
featured poet Amie Whittemore


Hosted Poetry in the Boro;
featured poets DeAnna DeBow Osborne and Aaron Shapiro

Appeared at the Southern Festival of Books with Swedish poet and writer Bernt-Olav Andersson. I read the English translations of some of his poems. Kelsey provided a few fiddle tunes, too!


Hosted Poetry in the Boro;
featured poet Alvin Knox (read some of his work on Artvilla).

Performed collaborative poetry and old-time music as The Kelsey Wells Duo,
pre-show entertainment at Nashville’s Shakespeare in the Park.


Hosted the first Poetry in the Boro;
featured poets Allison Boyd Justus, Bryanna Licciardi, Daniyah Kazadi, and Denise Wilson.


Featured poet at Poet’s Corner, the monthly reading series at Scarritt Bennett in Nashville.

Read with other members of my poetry group, The Delineators, at the Murfreesboro Art Crawl
from 6-9 PM in the Rotunda at Murfreesboro City Hall. Short readings at 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00 and 8:30 pm.

Led several workshops at Collective Impact, the Tennessee Arts Commission statewide conference
in Murfreesboro. Tuesday sessions on social media, Thursday on poetry.


Among the local authors who met and mingled with student authors at the Linebaugh Library ESP Children Authors Recognition in Murfreesboro.


Read with other members of my poetry group, The Delineators, at the Murfreesboro Art Crawl from 6-9 PM.


Guest speaker for poetry night in Gloria Ballard‘s Creative Writing Fundamentals class at Watkins College of Art, Design & Film.


Invited reader, For the Love of Writing: A Toast to Bill Brown, presented by East Side Story at The Post East in Nashville.

Moderated Q&A for Ada Limón reading at MTSU


Participated in the open-mic at Poetry in the Brew – what a great crowd!
Check out this monthly event if you’re looking for a place to read a new poem or two.



Invited reader, December: A Juried Reading hosted by The Porch Writers’ Collective in Nashville.


Guest speaker for poetry night in Gloria Ballard‘s Creative Writing Fundamentals class at Watkins College of Art, Design & Film.


Kory and Kelsey’s collaborative new media project, “She Ain’t Fetchable” was included in the juried collection “Still Life: The Art of Moonshine” at MTSU’s Todd Art Gallery.  The series of six audio recordings with accompanying images, awarded 3rd place in the show, portray the voice of a famous female Tennessee moonshiner from the late 1800s and imagine her response to a popular song of the time about another moonshining woman, “Darling Corey.”


Featured poet at Lyrical Brew, the monthly reading series at Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt, hosted by Nashville poet Ciona D. Rouse.


Workshop and poetry performance for the Alabama State Poetry Society;
“What’s That Song Doing in My Poem?” – Various ways to use songs of any genre to inspire or inform our poems.


Guest speaker for poetry night in Gloria Ballard‘s Creative Writing Fundamentals class at Watkins College of Art, Design & Film.



Poetry and old-time Christmas tunes for the Grundy County Historical Society


Featured poet and performer at the 12th annual Martin Methodist College Literary Festival


Tennessee Mountain Writers – Kory presented a session on blogging; Kory & Kelsey performed


Guest speaker for poetry night in Gloria Ballard‘s Creative Writing Fundamentals class at Watkins College of Art, Design & Film.



Read to Succeed reader training to help anyone – including parents and childcare and education professionals –
make story time more engaging (Kory with Suze Gilbert, Ed.D.)


Thunder Radio’s Bluegrass Crossroads Show


Performance, The Pensters Writing Group, University of South Alabama, Fairhope



Southern Festival of Books‘ Café Stage, Nashville


Poet’s Corner, Nashville


School visit celebrating National Poetry Month and Read to Succeed, Providence Christian Academy


Union Ave. Books, Knoxville (with Tennessee Joltwagon)

Appearance on the Blue Plate Special, WDVX Knoxville (with Tennessee Joltwagon)



Appearance on the Blue Plate Special, WDVX Knoxville (with Maggi Vaughn, Tennessee poet laureate)


Workshop for the Express Yourself Arts Conference, Murfreesboro

Sessions at the Southern Festival of Books (Kory – both days; Kelsey – Saturday only)


Workshop leader, 2011 Memphis Creative Nonfiction Conference

Poetry and music performance with Kelsey at Burke’s Books


Rutherford County Schools’ Writers’ Academy (for teachers)