March 30, 2025

Sugar and spicy: book review and author interview in the Murfreesboro Pulse

Thanks to the Murfreesboro Pulse and writer Angela Loupe for this combination book review and interview in the November issue - just in time to for my poetry party at Poetry in the Boro on Sunday, November 10. On that date I'll be reading and in conversation with fellow poet and PitB co-curator Amie Whittemore about second acts, second chances, and my debut full-length collection. Loupe writes in part: "Wells offers a rare kind of presence, allowing us to be able to experience her stories … [Read more...]

Write a Tanka for the We Are Tennessee Project

The Discovery Center and I want your words. In late April 2018, The Discovery Center will be unveiling a new exhibit called We Are Tennessee that explores the cultural diversity of our state and what it means to be a Tennessean. Murfreesboro's Painter Laureate Ginny Togrye is working on a fantastic mural that will include art, photos, and writing by Tennesseeans of all ages. That's where YOU come … [Read more...]

Poetry in the Boro: Featured Readings, Open Mic, Community

The poetry scene in the greater Nashville area is incredible. I'm convinced a poetry addict can find an event or two to attend almost every night of the week. But you know what else can be incredible? Nashville area traffic. For those of us who live outside Davidson County, getting to and from events in Nashville is an exercise in unpredictability. One day you can do it in 35 minutes; … [Read more...]

Middle Tennessee Poetry News

We're well into National Poetry Month, and besides the Big Poetry Giveaway happening on my blog (and many others), I have more poetry news to share, with a focus on middle Tennessee: First of all, my friend and fellow poet Sandy Coomer has the article "April: A Time for Poetry"  in Inside Brentwood Magazine. In addition to discussing the importance of poetry and National Poetry Month, Sandy also covers many middle Tennessee poets and poetry events, including - with photos - the poetry … [Read more...]

An Interview with Former Astronaut Rhea Seddon

Rhea Seddon, M.D., has a history of strapping herself into rockets and orbiting the earth in the name of medical science. As I write in She's Such a Geek and allude to in my poetry collection Heaven Was the Moon, astronauts have been my heroes since Neil Armstrong took those first small steps on the moon, so I'm thrilled to have an interview with Seddon now appearing in 2nd & Church. I've been intrigued with all the buzz surrounding Sheryl Sandberg's book Lean In: Women, Work and the … [Read more...]