March 9, 2025

Talking Social Media at Collective Impact

I'm excited to be leading four sessions at Collective Impact, the conference of the Tennessee Arts Commission, coming up in Murfreesboro June 7-10th. Three of those sessions will be related to making the most of your social media presence as an artist, educator, arts organization, or other constituent in the arts community. … [Read more...]

An Interview with Former Astronaut Rhea Seddon

Rhea Seddon, M.D., has a history of strapping herself into rockets and orbiting the earth in the name of medical science. As I write in She's Such a Geek and allude to in my poetry collection Heaven Was the Moon, astronauts have been my heroes since Neil Armstrong took those first small steps on the moon, so I'm thrilled to have an interview with Seddon now appearing in 2nd & Church. I've been intrigued with all the buzz surrounding Sheryl Sandberg's book Lean In: Women, Work and the … [Read more...]

A New Site

After more trials and errors, fits and starts, and re-reading of FAQs than this computer science major would like to admit, I'm excited to announce that my all-new integrated website and blog is live. It's got enough gadgets and widgets to make Tim the Tool Man Taylor of the old TV show Home Improvement grunt in approval: online ordering for my books, social media buttons, options to deliver blog posts by email or reader feed, and an email newsletter signup. Recently I was giving some thought … [Read more...]

What Would Miss Manners Do? The Importance of Saying Thank You for Mentions on Twitter

Since I recently revealed my true dreams over on the Risk a Day blog, I might as well continue my confessional movement: I tweet. Now, I've already heard plenty of snide little remarks, so stop your snickering. It's part of my "real job" - as well as my persona - to stay relatively up to date on all this techy stuff. I've been on Twitter, both with a personal account (@korywells) and a work account (@WorkCompEdge), for several months now. I'll reserve my full list of pros and cons for another … [Read more...]