March 31, 2025

Poetry Book Giveaway and Talk with Irene Latham, The Color of Lost Rooms

I'm not sure if it's a late new year or an early Valentine's here on my blog, but I’m excited to be celebrating any day with a poetry book giveaway. The book is THE COLOR OF LOST ROOMS, a new collection from Irene Latham. I’m a big fan of Irene’s first full-length poetry collection, WHAT CAME BEFORE, which was named Alabama State Poetry Society's Book of the Year and earned a 2008 Independent Publisher's (IPPY) Award. More recently, she’s been attracting a lot of attention with her debut … [Read more...]

MTSU Writer’s Loft Graduate: "Well-Directed Program, Wonderful Mentors"

Poets & Writers just published their rankings of both traditional and low-residency MFA programs for creative writing. I confess, I took a peek. The idea that I somehow need an MFA nags at me ever so often, although to date I haven't quite mustered any full-board justification or enthusiasm for starting to file my applications. But as I scanned the rankings, something unexpected caught my eye. It was an eight point - disclaimer, if you will - posted in the rankings' Guide to the … [Read more...]

Where Have I Been? Writing More Than I Thought About a Creative Life

So, when I last posted in late April, I really wasn't planning to take off from blogging for the entire extended summer! But here we are in September, and I find myself with plenty of ideas to share with you. First, though, I've realized I should cross-link to some of my posts on the Risk a Day blog, where I did NOT take a summer vacation. Here are several which relate to writing and/or living a creative life: A Daily Audacious Goal: Can I Do It? Can You? Twice in recent months, I’ve heard … [Read more...]

The Lesson January Taught Me

The month of January is finally, blissfully gone, although, like an inconsiderate house guest, she has left messy reminders here in middle Tennessee. Snow still covers our yard; a little slush clings here and there on the more shaded roads; we are still not quite in normal routine (with schools finally going back 2 hours late today); and we are dreading the utility bill when it arrives in another week or so. … [Read more...]

If Our Lady Were in Charge: More Art, Less (and Better?) Politics

Our Lady has recently received a couple of pieces of mail that she wishes everyone would read and think about for the new year, right before they take some time to listen to someone else's point of view, learn something new from another culture, or make some art themselves. The first is from Arts Tennessee, a quarterly newsletter of the Tennessee Arts Commission. In his "From the Desk of the Executive Director" article, Rich Boyd shares part of a recent address to the Chattanooga Rotarians on … [Read more...]