February 22, 2025

Write a Tanka for the We Are Tennessee Project

The Discovery Center and I want your words. In late April 2018, The Discovery Center will be unveiling a new exhibit called We Are Tennessee that explores the cultural diversity of our state and what it means to be a Tennessean. Murfreesboro's Painter Laureate Ginny Togrye is working on a fantastic mural that will include art, photos, and writing by Tennesseeans of all ages. That's where YOU come … [Read more...]

An Interview with Former Astronaut Rhea Seddon

Rhea Seddon, M.D., has a history of strapping herself into rockets and orbiting the earth in the name of medical science. As I write in She's Such a Geek and allude to in my poetry collection Heaven Was the Moon, astronauts have been my heroes since Neil Armstrong took those first small steps on the moon, so I'm thrilled to have an interview with Seddon now appearing in 2nd & Church. I've been intrigued with all the buzz surrounding Sheryl Sandberg's book Lean In: Women, Work and the … [Read more...]

My Favorite Things of 2010

For reasons I won't go into, 2010 has not been my favorite year. But, inspired by the year-end list posted by fellow Tennessee writer Susan Cushman on her Pen and Palette blog, I've realized there have been plenty of things I've enjoyed, especially in the area of books and music. So here are my personal favorites of 2010, which I share in hopes that you might find something here that will inspire you. Happy reading, happy listening, happy following your muse. POETRY Favorite new poetry … [Read more...]

Yay for Humanities Tennessee

So, in my inaugural post on August 6th, I said I'd like to promote Tennessee writers on my blog, and on August 10th, this arrives in my inbox: This fall, Humanities Tennessee will launch a new website, to be called Chapter 16: A Community of Tennessee Writers, Readers and Passersby. We hope and expect that this site will become a regular stop for readers, a place where you will learn about upcoming Tennessee books and events and discuss those and other topics with one another. We'll cover novels … [Read more...]

Our Lady steps out in faith…into the blogosphere

I first started writing creatively nine years ago this month.  I am sure of this because my youngest child started kindergarten that year. Theoretically, I thought, I should have a little more free time now that he was in school everyday, so I seized the opportunity to take a creative writing class in the continuing education at MTSU (similar classes now offered through The Writer's Loft at MTSU). Now, as that youngest child is a 5' 11", deep-voiced man-child starting high school and our … [Read more...]