March 29, 2025

New review: Sugar Fix “subtly weaves personal ancestry and national history”

I confess, I still marvel when someone I don't know reads and reviews my book. Poet Lynn Domina is one of those people, and she's written a very thoughtful review of Sugar Fix over on her blog, where she reviews one poetry book each week. Her commitment is such a gift to readers and the poetry community! Lynn says, in part: "One of the most admirable qualities of this collection—and the quality that really makes it a collection rather than simply an accumulation of forty or so poems—is how … [Read more...]

My poem “Voice” is featured on The Slowdown

I'm thrilled and honored to have my poem "Voice" from Sugar Fix featured on today's episode (#295) of The Slowdown, a podcast by former U.S. Poet Laureate Tracy K. Smith. The Slowdown was recently named by Pop Sugar as one of the best podcasts to ease anxiety, and for good reason - Tracy K. Smith's smooth, soothing voice and and insightful reflections related to each day's poem are always a comfort. If you're not familiar with the podcast, it's just 5 minutes each weekday. Check it out on … [Read more...]

Sugar Fix reviewed in Glass: A Journal of Poetry

A review of Sugar Fix now appears in Glass: A Journal of Poetry. Reviewer and fellow poet Anne Graue says of the book: turning the pages is easy and urgent She remarks on numerous individual poems and also the overall structure and flow of the book, writing: There is a cadence in the progression from beginning to end, from free verse and prose poems to sonnets and elegiac tercets that helps to distill moments and memory, sweetness and pain. From a comprehensive review like this one, to … [Read more...]

Sugar Fix Shout-Out 3: Poet Tiana Clark

If you're in the poetry world, there's a good chance you've heard of Tiana Clark, prize-winning author of I Can't Talk About the Trees Without the Blood and Equilibrium. Along with numerous poets from middle Tennessee and beyond, Tiana and I share the same "poetry father" - the wondrous Bill Brown, most recently author of The Cairns and a model of generosity and attention. In the past couple of years, Tiana's career has skyrocketed. Y'all, when she reads in Nashville, HUNDREDS of people show … [Read more...]

Sugar Fix Shout-Out 2: Poet Marie Harris

One of the hardest tasks I've experienced in the poetry world is writing blurbs for a few colleagues' books. In the tradition of the poetry world, writing a good blurb involves reading the entire book, making notes on themes, motifs, and favorite passages, and then distilling that into a hopefully complimentary but not overstated paragraph of about 100 words that makes a potential reader want to explore the book. Did I mention this is hard work and an act of significant generosity on the part … [Read more...]