February 22, 2025

Writing About Race in the James Dickey Review

As a white person, I've always felt a bit awkward writing about race and racism, but I've also been drawn to the subject. Poet Tiana Clark recently tweeted an excerpt from the essay Forging New Centers: Marginal Voices in Contemporary Poetry by Jodie Kahan. Here's what Tiana shared, quoting Kaveh Akbar: … [Read more...]

An Interview with Former Astronaut Rhea Seddon

Rhea Seddon, M.D., has a history of strapping herself into rockets and orbiting the earth in the name of medical science. As I write in She's Such a Geek and allude to in my poetry collection Heaven Was the Moon, astronauts have been my heroes since Neil Armstrong took those first small steps on the moon, so I'm thrilled to have an interview with Seddon now appearing in 2nd & Church. I've been intrigued with all the buzz surrounding Sheryl Sandberg's book Lean In: Women, Work and the … [Read more...]