February 23, 2025

Sugar Fix is “charming, surprising, and moving” – and now available!

My first full-length poetry collection, Sugar Fix, has made its debut in the world at the beginning of my favorite season - on the autumnal equinox - and one week shy of my fifty-somethingth birthday. This begs an entire essay or speech about second acts and second chances, but that will have to be on another day. For now, "elated" sums things up for me. I had a few early copies to sell at the poetry and storytelling booth at our local arts festival this weekend, and one review has already … [Read more...]

Sugar Fix Cover Reveal!

I'm so excited to share the cover of Sugar Fix, my first full-length poetry collection, forthcoming from Terrapin Books in September 2019. My first appearance with the book will be at the Southern Festival of Books, October 11-13 in Nashville, and I'll be announcing events in Rutherford County and beyond soon. Stay tuned!   … [Read more...]

Reading and community: Will you join me in reading these novels-in-verse?

As I began my second term as Murfreesboro Poet Laureate this past summer, I reconnected with Read to Succeed, a local organization that promotes literacy for people of all ages throughout Rutherford County. In the past I've been a volunteer with RTS to select and promote its annual One Book selection, and as a classroom reader for Reading in the Schools Day. The organization also offers free youth and family programs, adult tutoring, ESL classes and much more. When I sat down with Family … [Read more...]

We Come From the Down Home Blues

I have a new article in the Murfreesboro Pulse that tells about my experience working with incarcerated women through Doors of Hope. More importantly, the women I was working with have their collective poem, "We Come From the Down Home Blues" published. I know they're proud of it, and I'm so proud of them! Read the article and poem in Inmates Write of Hard Times and Hope … [Read more...]

Write a Tanka for the We Are Tennessee Project

The Discovery Center and I want your words. In late April 2018, The Discovery Center will be unveiling a new exhibit called We Are Tennessee that explores the cultural diversity of our state and what it means to be a Tennessean. Murfreesboro's Painter Laureate Ginny Togrye is working on a fantastic mural that will include art, photos, and writing by Tennesseeans of all ages. That's where YOU come … [Read more...]