March 31, 2025

New review: Sugar Fix “subtly weaves personal ancestry and national history”

I confess, I still marvel when someone I don’t know reads and reviews my book. Poet Lynn Domina is one of those people, and she’s written a very thoughtful review of Sugar Fix over on her blog, where she reviews one poetry book each week. Her commitment is such a gift to readers and the poetry community!

Lynn says, in part:

“One of the most admirable qualities of this collection—and the quality that really makes it a collection rather than simply an accumulation of forty or so poems—is how subtly Wells is able to weave personal ancestry with national history.”

Read the review at

While we’re here together, let me remind you that I’ll be the featured reader at the virtual Gestalt Poetry Open Mic on Saturday, August 22. Details are here on Facebook. Would love to see you there!