February 22, 2025

Sugar Fix is “charming, surprising, and moving” – and now available!

My first full-length poetry collection, Sugar Fix, has made its debut in the world at the beginning of my favorite season – on the autumnal equinox – and one week shy of my fifty-somethingth birthday. This begs an entire essay or speech about second acts and second chances, but that will have to be on another day. For now, “elated” sums things up for me.

I had a few early copies to sell at the poetry and storytelling booth at our local arts festival this weekend, and one review has already come in from Twitter:

Mr. Nance teaches English at one of our local high schools and is an avid reader, so I’m especially delighted with his enthusiasm!

I’ve got numerous appearances lined up in middle Tennessee and beyond, with more in the works. Check out my appearance schedule and how to order the book here. And if you’re in a book club or other organization that would be interested in some poetry, contact me to discuss a booking.